The Substation
1 Market St, Newport VIC 3015
Our office is open Mon–Thurs
Austin Mann
In August 2018, Yo-Yo Ma began a two-year journey to perform Johann Sebastian Bach’s six suites for solo cello in 36 locations around the world, music that is among the first Yo-Yo ever learned when he began playing the cello at age four. The project is motivated not only by his six-decade relationship with the music, but also by Bach’s ability to speak to our shared humanity at a time when our civic conversation is so often focused on division.
Alongside each concert, Yo-Yo and his team partner with artists and culture makers, cultural and community organizations, and leaders from across sectors to design conversations, collaborations, and performances. These public events and creative experiences are different in every location; they aspire to local relevance and global significance; they demonstrate culture’s power to create positive change; they inspire new relationships, connect partners across locations, and ask us all to keep culture at the center of our efforts to build a shared future.
These events are organized with a variety of local partners including artists and cultural leaders, scientists, cultural institutions, businesses, civic organizations, and local governments. The focus of each day of action varies by location — always an issue or issues of local importance around which culture can be part of the solution. These activities initiate a link to a global conversation, asking what we can do together that we can’t do alone.
In collaboration w Yo-Yo Ma’s Bach Project | bach.yo-yoma.com
Produced by Sound Postings The Office of Yo-Yo Ma
Line Producer for Melbourne & Sydney Erin Milne
Day of Action | Sydney Tue 5 Nov
How can culture protect shared earth and cultivate common ground?
Social Impact Hackathon with Connections Australia.
EY Centre, Sydney, 9am
Panel Discussion – Rising Temperatures: the role of art in a frayed world conversation and performance with Urban Theatre Projects.
Stargazer Lawn, Barangaroo, 10am
Day of Action | Melbourne Sat 9 Nov
Panel Discussion – If not now, then when? A Conversation on Culture and Climate Action with Climarte.
Kenneth Myer Auditorium, 11am