The Substation
1 Market St, Newport VIC 3015
Our office is open Mon–Thurs
The Difficult Comedown By Paea Leach & Alexandra Harrison. Photo by Pippa Samaya
Bureau of Works curated a series of workshops and conversations for Western suburbs artists and artsworkers, presented by Hobson’s Bay City Council. Stay tuned for further sessions to be announced soon.
Sunday 5 June 2022, 2pm to 4pm
Woods Street Arts Space
This workshop is for anyone in the creative field who has ever wondered what they could do to develop better ways of working with other artists, companies and institutions. Led by experienced arts leaders Erin Milne and Kate Sulan, over two hours we will share case studies, tips and practical tools for you to embark on more productive, clear and enjoyable collaborations. There will be plenty of time for discussion, and to share questions you have about your own practice. Walk away with a renewed sense of confidence and clarity, and some new methods for your own creative practice.
Erin Milne of Bureau of Works is a sought-after collaborator with some of Australia’s most distinctive and ambitious artists. Erin has worked with a wide range of individuals and organisations to develop and deliver projects and artist development initiatives. Her work was recognised with a 2020 Green Room Award for Outstanding Contribution to Contemporary & Experimental Performance.
Kate Sulan is a performance maker, director, dramaturge and facilitator. Kate is the founding Artistic Director of Rawcus, an award winning theatre company of 14 performers with diverse minds, bodies and imaginations. Kate was one of the core team of artists working on the five year Refuge project at Arts House between 2016-2021. Refuge explored the role of artists and cultural institutions in times of climate catastrophe, bringing together emergency management, artists, the community and local, regional and international partners. Kate’s work embraces complexity and diversity and is underpinned by the desire to amplify connection, fuel dreams, accumulate questions, slow down time, invite reflection, challenge what is possible and celebrate humanity.
Open to creatives in the western regions of Melbourne only.
Register your interest by 5pm Wednesday 1 June 2022.
Register: www.eventbrite.com.au/e/building-successful-collaborations-tickets-290171429557
Image: The Difficult Comedown by Paea Leach & Alexandra Harrison, Image by Pippa Samaya
Saturday 5 February 2022, 2pm to 4pm
Join us for a practical workshop that will identify ways to fund your project, demystify the grant-writing process and provide plenty of tips, tricks and examples to help you navigate the funding landscape. Led by Erin Milne of Bureau of Works, who has over 20 years of experience in writing compelling and successful funding bids.
Erin is an experienced producer and sought-after collaborator with some of Australia’s most distinctive and ambitious artists. She has worked with a range of individuals and organisations to develop and deliver projects and artist development initiatives. Her work was recognised with a 2020 Green Room Award for Outstanding Contribution to Contemporary & Experimental Performance. Erin is a current International Society of the Performing Arts (ISPA) Fellow and is an alumnus of the Australia Council’s Arts Leaders Program.
Up to 30 spots available. Register your interest by Thursday 3 February 2022.
Register online here: Funding & grant-writing essentials Tickets, Saturday 5 February 2022 at 2pm | Eventbrite
Thursday 3 March 2022, 6pm to 7pm
There’s a rush to move art online. But how can we meaningfully integrate digital collaboration and presentation into our artistic practices? Join two artists who are expanding the very notion of what’s possible when the digital and physical realms collide.
Local choreographer Harrison Hall and media artist Dr Sam Mcgilp have been exploring the digital realm through their long-term collaboration that explores the tension between the physical, the digital, and the spaces in-between. Later in 2022 they will premiere their new work, Body Crysis, which blends motion capture, gaming engines, long-distance collaboration and live action choreography. Join us to hear Harrison & Sam talk about their work and how artists can get started exploring digital possibilities.
Up to 30 spots available. Register your interest by Tuesday 1 March 2022.
Register via Eventbrite here: Conversation: Working in the digital realm tickets, Thursday 3 March 2022 at 6pm | Eventbrite
Image: BONANZA! by Harrison Hall and Sam Mcgilp
Thursday 5 May 2022 @ 6pm
Join Marco Cher-Gibard in conversation with Erin Milne as they discuss Marco’s large-scale participatory work, Sax People.
Marco Cher-Gibard is a local, award-winning sound artist whose work has been shown on major stages and in major festivals internationally. Since 2019 he has been researching collective compositional strategies for massed amateur saxophone for Sax People.
Sax People is a large-scale, ephemeral art work for public space involving an open call for a massed choir of amateur saxophone players of any and all abilities. The project creates high impact encounters for incidental audiences (and audiences in the know). It includes spectacular choreography using large numbers of people in public spaces, profound sonic experiences created through simple and expandable compositional ideas for large numbers of players and an exploration of alternate value systems for musical composition, cooperation and experience.
Erin and Marco will discuss the discoveries Marco has made so far, his plans for the future of the project and dig into the detail of how he (and other artists) can best harness participatory practice in their work.
You’ll have a chance to ask questions during this informal discussion.
Open to creatives in the western regions of Melbourne only.
Up to 30 spots available.
Register your interest here by 5pm Monday 2 May 2022.
Image: Marco Cher-Gibard
Saturday 21 May 2022
2–4pm @ Woods Street Arts Space
Creating new opportunities for your work can feel daunting.
Join Erin Milne for a practical workshop that will touch on identifying presentation opportunities, building relationships to promote your work, and gathering the right documentation.
Developing markets for your work can feel like both a dark art and a box to tick. Drawing on decades of experience working with emerging and established artists, Erin will demystify the process and leave you with practical tools and tips to build momentum for your practice.
Erin is an experienced producer and sought-after collaborator with some of Australia’s most distinctive and ambitious artists. She has worked with a range of individuals and organisations to develop and deliver projects and artist development initiatives. Her work was recognised with a 2020 Green Room Award for Outstanding Contribution to Contemporary & Experimental Performance.
Open to creatives in the western regions of Melbourne only.
Up to 20 spots available.
Register your interest here by 5pm Wednesday 18 May 2022.
Image: The Difficult Comedown by Paea Leach & Alexandra Harrison, Image by Pippa Samaya